Diseases Screening/Monitoring

In the absence of proper investigations, many health conditions can stay concealed and develop into fulminant complications. Health Seekers Medical Clinic, LLC , located in Berwyn Heights, is an advanced medical facility that offers a wide range of disease screening and monitoring services. Screening tests are essential to identify potential risk factors for diseases, and disease monitoring evaluates the ongoing disease status, treatment response, and variations in risk factors.

Wellness and Physicals
● Allergies
● Cold and Flu symptoms
● Conjunctivitis (Pink eye)
● Nausea, Vomiting and Diarrhea
● Sore throat and Streps
● Constipation
● Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs), Bladder infections, Burning with urination.
● Ear Infections and Aches
● Mononucleosis
● Stomach aches
● Headaches
● Acid Reflux (Heart Burn) and Indigestion
● Upper Respiratory Infections (URIs)
● Sinus Infection and Congestion
● Cough
● Gouts
● Prostate Screening in men (PSA)
● Contraceptive assessment &Birth control
● Anxiety and Depression screening
● T.B Screening (PPD)

Contact Us

Please message or call or fax us at Office: (240) 553-7956 Fax: 240-790-8928 to let us know your needs. We will respond withing 24 hours.

Message Us

Our Resources

Our facility uses the latest technology for disease screening to predict any underlying health issue before it ensues and develops a proactive approach to preventing it. We also provide disease monitoring services to track the patient’s health status following a diagnosis and to keep the associated risk factors in check. Call us today if you require disease screening in Berwyn Heights or for any further assistance.

Wellness and Physicals
  • Annual physical physicals
  • Employment physical
  • General medical exams and school physicals
  • Sports physicals
  • Smoking cessation
  • Epinephrine Injection pen refills
Travel Health
  • Malaria, Motion Sickness prevention
  • Traveler’s Diarrhea Prevention and Care
  • Assistance with light exercise and outdoor activity